Growing the Delightful Endive Frisee

Growing the Delightful Endive Frisee

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Exploring the Origins of Endive Frisee

'Frisée' is a curly variety of endive with long narrow leaves dating back to ancient Egypt.  This member of the chicory family was introduced to Northern Europe around 1200 A.D.

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Bitter Elegance of Endive Frisee

This endive is the perfect accent for any salad. Its bitter flavor adds just the right balance and its puffy, cloudlike shape provides a welcome contrast to lettuce leaves. Science has discovered the presence of more than 40 polyphenols in endive which are known to possess antioxidant properties.

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A Quick Look

  • Sun: Part Sun, the sun is especially important for this cooler weather crop.  In warm weather, endive benefits from some afternoon shade.
  • Soil: 50 - 70° in moist, well drained soil, ideally with a pH between 5.5. and 8.3.
  • Days to Harvest: 70 - 100 Days
  • Harvest: When the leaves are 5 - 6" tall, try to take no more than a third of the plant and cut just above the soil level.  In cool weather the leaves will start to grow again.
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