Cultivating Crispness: A Guide to Growing Kalibos Cabbage

Cultivating Crispness: A Guide to Growing Kalibos Cabbage

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Cabbage 'Kalibos'

'Kalibos' Cabbage is an heirloom Brassica originally from Eastern Europe in what is now Belarus. Believed to be from the 1800's this variety is known for its greenish-red outer foliage. ‘Kalibos’ can also add an ornamental layer to your vegetable garden.

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Experience the Sweet Brilliance

This Cabbage variety is perfect for slaws or kraut because of its high sugar content and is renowned for its tender, sweet flavor. Boasting 2-3 lb cabbages once mature, this crimson crucifer also has a high anthocyanin count, contributing to its vibrant color. The long, conical heads store for a few months if placed in a cool garage or shed for a few weeks after harvest.

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A Quick Look

  • Sun: Full Sun (6+ Hours)
  • Soil: Cabbage is a cool weather crop that prefers soil temperatures from 50 - 75°
  • Days to Harvest: 85 Days after transplant
  • Harvest: Harvest when the head feels firm when tapping. Harvesting this variety before the head splits can lead to disease and impact your harvest is important.
  • Mature Size: 'Kalibos' grows to about 12" tall with an 18" spread
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This Cabbage variety is perfect for slaws or kraut because of its high sugar content and is renowned for its tender, sweet flavor. Boasting 2-3 lb cabbages once mature, this crimson crucifer also has a high anthocyanin count, contributing to its vibrant color. The long, conical heads store for a few months if placed in a cool garage or shed for a few weeks after harvest.